Entries by admin_lotus

When People Unite (WPU)

A sculpture proposal for Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in New York City, 2024 Mehrdad loves to keep you posted about the projects that are coming up next. So we keep updating this page with information, images, and videos of anything we have the plan to do in the future.

ESSENCEtial Conversations

Mehrdad Rahbar was born in Iran, moved to Canada in his teens. He studied Architecture at McGill University. and specialized in Community Development and Affordable Housing. He is the founder and principal of Vernacular Group, a design and land development company in BC. Rahbar is also the recipient of a number of BC’s design awards. […]

The Harp of Chogha Mish (4th Millennium B.C)

Excavations in the Elam plain were conducted for the first time by Professors Pinhas Delougaz and Helene J. Kantor from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago between 1962-63. Several ancient seals, dating back to the 4th millennium B.C., were discovered in the excavations, one of which, from Chogha Mish Hill located in Khuzestan, […]

When Women Rise Sculpture

On September 12, 2018, artist Mehrdad Rahbar unveiled his sculpture When Women Rise at Marine Drive Residence. This project, several years in the making, was made possible through a partnership between the UBC Class of 2013, UBC Alma Mater Society, and SHHS. When Women Rise

The Lyre of Mesopotamia (A song from Persia/ Iranshahr)

The lyre of Mesopotamia is a reconstruction of the sample found by Sir Leonard Wooley from the Sumerian city of Ur which dates back to 4700 years ago. The lyre, whose vocal range is 5.1 octaves, is kept at the University of Pennsylvania. Two samples of this musical instrument have been reconstructed by Seyfolah Shokri. […]

A(n art) piece for the world

Mehrad Rahbar has always been tuned in to events around him – the Iran revolution in 1979, the 1989 Montreal massacre of 14 female students and the Arab Spring that spread across the Middle East and North Africa in early 2011. He considers himself a human rights activist and is involved in various Iranian-Canadian organizations […]